D&G Law

Media Inquiries

Image of Birmingham News story: City law firm scoring wins in big-stakes securities casesOur attorneys have represented parties in dozens of “reported” court decisions and have been published in numerous periodicals. We also are frequently invited to speak at Continuing Legal Education (CLE) seminars attended by lawyers and other professionals or to publish articles in prestigious journals. As a result, we are often called upon by the news media to comment on current events related to the financial crisis, exotic or derivative securities, municipal bond defaults, predatory lending, institutional investors or class action procedures.

We have been quoted in The New York Times, Lawyer’s Weekly, The Washington Post, The American Lawyer, Forbes, The Birmingham News, Birmingham Business Journal, Smart Money and many other business, finance or similar periodicals.

If you’re a member of the media who’s looking for someone to answer your questions, we can help.

Please contact David Guin or Dawn Evans.