A Bessemer, Alabama, jury awarded a defense verdict to our client in a case filed in July 2003 by a shareholder of a business operated by our client. The Plaintiffs’ complaint falsely accused our client of a variety of wrongful conduct, including fraud, mismanagement and misappropriation of corporate assets.
On January 8, 2007, Judge Karon Bowdre, U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of Alabama, approved a $445 Million settlement with HealthSouth Corp. and certain of its officers and directors.
A federal court has denied the defendants’ motions to dismiss a class action lawsuit that Donaldson/GUIN filed against Louisiana-Pacific, Weyerhaeuser and other manufacturers of Oriented Stand Board (OSB), In re OSB Antitrust Litigation, 06-CV-00826 (E.D. Pa.). OSB is a plywood substitute manufactured by compressing multiple layers of thin wood shavings under intense heat and pressure. Our lawsuit alleges that during a time of increased demand for OSB, the manufacturers conspired to reduce OSB production, which caused the price of OSB to dramatically increase from 10-year lows at the end of 2002 to record highs by October of 2003.
Donaldson Guin’s cases challenging the practice of taxing interest on out-of-state municipal bonds has generated considerable ink in the financial press. In a September 8, 2006 article in Bloomberg.com, entitled “Kentucky Bond Appeal May Transform Municipal Market” Bloomberg’s Joe Mysak, quoting Oppehheimer Fund’s Ron Fielding, called the case “a big, big deal” and stated that the Kentucky litigation could result in the “transformation of the entire municipal bond market, from one that is fragmented and regional to one that is national and consistent…” Other articles about the Kentucky decision in the national financial press included an article in the September 6, 2006 edition of the Wall Street Journal (page D2) entitled “Kentucky Muni-Bond Case May Have Broad Reach.”
The HealthSouth class actions have been the subject of numerous news articles. For example, see “[HealthSouth] Plaintiffs Seek Federal, State Tax Refunds,” Birmingham Business Journal (Sept., 16, 2003).
David Guin was appointed by the Court to represent HealthSouth Bondholders on the Federal Steering Committee. The firm has been named Liaison Counsel for HealthSouth Bondholders.
Donaldson/Guin was featured in the March, 2004 edition of Birmingham Magazine.